CCNY Makerspace

The CCNY MakerSpace is a 3,000 sqft prototyping suite and co-working facility on the campus of the City College of New York. Slated for completion in the summer of 2018, the MakerSpace will be fully-equipped with — 3D printers, milling machines, laser cutters, injection molders, and a wide array of devices to bring your project to life. It is part of a campus-wide Production Zone that, in partnership with facilities of the Zahn Innovation Center, the Masters in Translational Medicine Program, the CCNY Machine Shop, and the individual laboratories of distinguished professors on campus, provides a suite of devices that can take your concept from prototype to production.

BMCC Makerspace​

The BMCC Makerspace is open to the entire BMCC community. The goal is to foster a sense of community amongst “Makers” of all sorts to bring their ideas to life – whether they be related to industrial design, art, engineering, fashion, robotics etc. – with the help of 21st century tools such as 3D printing and laser cutting. BMCC students, faculty and staff can either reserve time in the Makerspace or stop by during drop-in hours.